Blog | WilsonHCG

Strategic workforce planning and elevating talent | WilsonHCG

Written by WilsonHCG | Jul 22, 2024

The labour market has been anything but steady. And this leads to the talent acquisition (TA) team getting tossed around with its fluctuations. When hiring ramps up, it’s full speed ahead and requests are coming from every angle. But when a slowdown occurs, some companies aren’t sure what to task their TA team with.

Have you convinced your C-suite that the TA team needs to be part of the strategic workforce planning conversation – so you can foresee what’s coming and be ahead of the game? That’s the direction you should be heading if you want to remain part of the modern talent function.

The TA team needs to be brought in to advise on workforce planning initiatives, which include foreseeing skills gaps and determining internal mobility opportunities. Working on a wider workforce plan will allow them to be focused on what will move the organisation forward into the future – and help them make smarter decisions in the near term.

As you consider how to amplify the work your recruitment team is doing to the rest of the business and the executive team, reflect on these questions. It will help you determine where you can make inroads to elevating the talent function and its importance to the success of the business.

#1: Who is being included in strategic workforce planning conversations and how can I influence these stakeholders?

According to a study by Flextrack and Price Waterhouse Cooper, only 46% of respondents stated their human resources staff had a role in workforce planning and decision-making and only 36% said they included workforce/people analytics staff.

As a TA leader, your expertise and knowledge should afford you a seat at the table where strategic workforce plans are discussed. If not, take this as an opportunity to showcase you and your TA team are not only experts in your field, but understand the nuances of hiring in your industry and for your organisation. When you’re hiring for departments in your organisation, do you have the opportunity to be an advisor? Do hiring managers take your advice seriously?

Bring data to the table to back up the claims you intend to make, whether you see a hiring surge on the horizon or an increasingly important skill at the centre of candidate conversations. Do you have access to talent intelligence tools that others in the organisation don’t? Do you regularly share this information so they’re in the know? Other departments may have data and knowledge you don’t as well. Be sure you have a healthy working relationship with them so you can gain an understanding of their inner workings.

#2: How do I make an impact on the organisation when hiring isn’t currently happening?

The labour market changes at the drop of a dime, which means you must be ready for when a surge might surface. Every industry is different, so become an expert at understanding the hiring trends in your space. If you understand them well enough, you may be able to get ahead of the hiring competition and lock in top candidates before they’re ever needed. What are some of the ways you keep abreast of the latest TA trends? Are they industry — and region-specific?

There is still a raging skills gap in many sectors and building a strong talent pipeline for the future should be your focus during slower hiring times. What are the ways you engage candidates when you don’t have any open roles? How do you showcase these efforts and the impact it has on your employment brand to the executive team? Growth in the talent pipeline and shorter time-to-fill for open roles are just two of the indicators you’re making improvements to your brand.