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Adapting to the ever changing candidate market | WilsonHCG

Written by WilsonHCG | Jul 10, 2018

With an ever changing market, recruiters have to adapt and be strategic in order to get positions filled. I remember in 2008 when the economy crashed and people were open to almost any role available. That is no longer the case. We currently have the lowest rate of unemployment since 1969, at just 3.8 percent.  Although there are a lot of qualified candidates out there, most are already employed and even have other companies seeking them out.  

You can’t just post a job anymore and expect to have the perfect candidate apply. Now, you have to find suitable applicants and understand their motivators in order to better align why the job you have open is the right fit. In other words, you have to personalize your messages and share the unique pros on why they should leave their current position and why the opportunity you are presenting is better than what they have. Personalizing your message doesn’t need to be complicated - here are key trends that recruiters should keep in mind when building their recruitment marketing strategies for their ideal candidate personas.

#1 - Top tips on how recruiters and employers can persuade candidates to say yes

Know your company inside out. Note down the reasons why the opportunity you have that’s up for grabs is better for the candidate in question than what they have at the moment.

Are the benefits better? Is the work/life balance amazing? Is the culture second to none? A good recruiter will be able to answer all of theses questions and make them not only relevant but personal to the candidate their speaking to.

You need to fully understand what differentiates the position you are trying to fill from other opportunities, and indeed companies, out there, so that you can convince your candidate of the advantages of accepting.

And it’s no longer just about benefits like health insurance, competitive compensation, hefty pensions and such-like. These are now essentials when it comes to attracting the best candidates. Nowadays, applicants want to know what soft incentives are on offer such as flexible working. In fact, according to a report from the International Flexible Work Group, some 80 percent of its 18,000 respondents stated that enabling their company’s employees to work from anywhere helped them recruit and retain top talent. This is up from 64 percent in 2016. Employers have to be committed and provide a suitable work/life balance.

#2 - Employees want feedback
Another important thing that candidates often consider before signing on the dotted line, is career progression and feedback. Gone are the days in which employees would patiently wait for an annual performance review. Workers want regular progress updates. They want to know they are doing well and what areas, if any, they need to improve in.

Companies are implementing a variety of ways to deliver real-time feedback. One good way to provide regular feedback, while also assisting with on-boarding, is to assign a mentor to your new employees. It has many benefits. New employees get to learn from their more experienced counterparts and experienced team members get to pass valuable knowledge on before they move on or retire. It’s a win-win for the company and the employee. By knowing and understanding these key components, you can better evaluate and inform your candidates and sell them not only on the position, but the culture as well.

#3 - Don’t underestimate the value of networking

Join networking groups in the areas you recruit in and use them as platforms to connect with potential candidates. Professional networks help to identify passive candidates - so those who are qualified but are not actively searching for new roles.

Networking is a great way to spread the word about employer brand and company culture. It takes effort to keep your connections engaged, but the effort is worth it. And remember that passive candidates usually require multiple outreach attempts in order to get a response so don’t give up at the first hurdle!

#4 - Don’t forget about referrals  

When you get a response from a candidate who isn’t interested in a role, don’t forget to ask if they know someone who might be a good fit. Always remember...great people know other great people. Individuals usually associate with others in the same line of work. Connect with them and this could give you access to a wealth of similar candidates with the specific experience and skills that you are looking for.

Discover more tips and facts on overcoming the skills gap, particularly for tech and engineering roles by checking out our recent infographic